"Belief" By -^-*{ Wookie CrN/RnO }*-^- This module uses samples created by me using my SY85 Workstation synth. The synth loops were sequenced using the internal recorder of the SY85, EQ`ed, Effected, and then sampled. Inspiration for this tune is unknown as usual but the excellent thunder samples demanded a decent intro! Look out for music by Wookie on forthcoming RNO and CARNAGE productions. If you want to contact me, email:- B.D.Thomas@herts.ac.uk, or wookie@dcandy.demon.co.uk, or write to:- Willow View, 3, The Copse, Frome, Somerset, BA11 2TE. Bye for nowz! Belief", By Wookie of Carnage/RNO